setan merah yang berharap
Was rather late for class today so had to drive real fast; I-don't-give-a-damn-those-traffic-lights fast. Had a pleasant, pleasant surprise when overtaking a Merc. Because it had a Chelsea F.C. sticker on. Hah! In your face! And to think that I was only on my EX5 (that's a Honda kapcai, in case anyone mistakenly tought I was driving a BMW bungalow on four wheels -five, including a spare). People reading this might think I'm so desperate for Man United to win the league (and whatever else there is, while at that) to say that we're better than Chelsea.
Well, I am desperate (and, well, shallow too. I mean; potong keta orang pun nak kecoh ke? But what the hell. This is my blog anyway). Was not revealing anything relationship-wise though.
This week will be massive. Actually, it's been massive for quite a bit lately. The loss against Celtic, the match against Chelsea and then the win (thank God!) against Boro (by the way, Miss Borro, whatever the hell's wrong with your blog? And/or with yourself?). This week it'll be the do-or-die against Benfica (deja vu, anyone?) and then the derby (oh, by the way, Stone will be semi-partying-while-competing-for-fantastic-prizes this weekend. Advertisement there).
Get those lads to get more scoring instinct, Fergie. Stop flirting. And win. Mighty please.
Well, I am desperate (and, well, shallow too. I mean; potong keta orang pun nak kecoh ke? But what the hell. This is my blog anyway). Was not revealing anything relationship-wise though.
This week will be massive. Actually, it's been massive for quite a bit lately. The loss against Celtic, the match against Chelsea and then the win (thank God!) against Boro (by the way, Miss Borro, whatever the hell's wrong with your blog? And/or with yourself?). This week it'll be the do-or-die against Benfica (deja vu, anyone?) and then the derby (oh, by the way, Stone will be semi-partying-while-competing-for-fantastic-prizes this weekend. Advertisement there).
Get those lads to get more scoring instinct, Fergie. Stop flirting. And win. Mighty please.
dear Lord, i wish you could make the devil win....well..dat doesnt sound right eh?
Anonymous, at 11:38 AM
weihhh...thanks lah iklan pasal aku beb. ko datang jibam ek ek ek?
aku janji aku support Man U minggu ni ehehehe
The Narrator, at 2:34 PM
borro:links kat site tu broken a :p ..btw movie:aku agak sebok sebenanya dan tido tak cukup.xbole janji.last movie aku nengok deathnote.ngan kepul.aku tetido.ko nak gi tengok dejavu ngan kepul?tanyala dia..
kalau nak pegi camna nak kontek ko?baca blog aku sendiri incase ko letak komen?(hehe sarkastik tak bunyinya?)
meme:i'm a desperado..underneath ma windo :p
stone:kalau aku tak folo jasem gi fieldwork,aku dtg nengok.ngan rohan kot.tapi aku ni tak lucky.aku laki je.
Jibam, at 4:31 AM
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