I think lots of people have come across these 'kismis tahfiz' thingy (or maybe it's kismis hafiz, I'm not sure); loosely, 'spiritual' raisins; prepared with prayers and such, and supposedly will help in gaining better memory retention, among others. Well, I have. And my experience was rather, well, revealing. You see, I bought these raisins (not really out of belief or anything. It was an impulsive purchase) and after eating some, left the box on my desk. Now I have to tell you that from experience, foodstuffs left on my desk will attract lots of fans in the form of ants (hey, that rhymed!). But the raisins. Which surprised me because I don't think rumpled plastic in a box can be considered 'airtight' by any standards. Being the weird, twisted one (according to Meme), I experimented; I took out one and left it in the open, on my desk. The number of ants coming to hog this very sweet food: 0. I left it for like, three days.
Later on, still in the spirit of experimenting, I bought 'regular' raisins from 7e and put one in the open, alongside the kismis tahfiz. A while later, both got surrounded by ants.
I guess ants have off days too.
Anyhow, spent my weekend preparing notes for next semester. Managed to prepare notes for 2 weeks ahead. Alhamdulillah. This is an amazing feat, really, given that I've never even photocopied notes for myself when I was studying (we're talking undergrad here). I guess greater sense of responsibility comes with great responsibilities.
I'll do better this semester, insyaAllah.
Wednesday I'll have an interview for the post of full time lecturer. Am just a little bit nervous. Mainly because I went to see the other candidates this morning and they were nervous and asked me lots of questions, which made me nervous. Ah, biarlah. Kalau dah rezeki tu tak kemana..
Am in religious mode. Must be those kismis tahfiz I ate.
Later on, still in the spirit of experimenting, I bought 'regular' raisins from 7e and put one in the open, alongside the kismis tahfiz. A while later, both got surrounded by ants.
I guess ants have off days too.
Anyhow, spent my weekend preparing notes for next semester. Managed to prepare notes for 2 weeks ahead. Alhamdulillah. This is an amazing feat, really, given that I've never even photocopied notes for myself when I was studying (we're talking undergrad here). I guess greater sense of responsibility comes with great responsibilities.
I'll do better this semester, insyaAllah.
Wednesday I'll have an interview for the post of full time lecturer. Am just a little bit nervous. Mainly because I went to see the other candidates this morning and they were nervous and asked me lots of questions, which made me nervous. Ah, biarlah. Kalau dah rezeki tu tak kemana..
Am in religious mode. Must be those kismis tahfiz I ate.
wehhh seriyes ke beb?? aku pun terkujats gak ngan hasil eksperimentasi ko tuh. perghhh...ko ni mmg academician lahhh hahaha
The Narrator, at 3:15 PM
seriyes.tapi reaksi semut kat bilik aku memang tak konsisten.kadang2 cepaaat je.kadang2 lambat.
selalunya cepat
Anonymous, at 12:10 AM
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