something for the travel channel
Outside of Thailand -where I believe tom yam originated- I think Vicchuda has the best tom yam I've tasted to date. Simply to die for. Berpeluh aku makan beb. Yesterday was my fourth time there and the magic -or whatever it is they put in their tom yam- is still there. I'd say that not unlike in Thailand, the good people who does the cooking at Vicchuda are very generous with the ingredients. They put extra everything in, which resulted in a brilliant concoction of very, very good tom yam. Very.
Jasim said there's a place called Sri Siam which serves better tom yam -slightly better, I'd like to think. Ada sapa-sapa penah pegi Sri Siam? Review? Please?
Berpeluh itu sehat.
Jasim said there's a place called Sri Siam which serves better tom yam -slightly better, I'd like to think. Ada sapa-sapa penah pegi Sri Siam? Review? Please?
Berpeluh itu sehat.
vicchuda mmg mahsyuk aa mknn dia..ko prsn x, dia tls order tlsn siam?tabik aa..btl punya siam diorg tu
Anonymous, at 8:47 AM
menu kami;kailan ikan masin,daging merah,udang,ngan siakap stim
memang stim a
..sambil tulis ni pun aku meleleh air liur
Anonymous, at 2:13 PM nyer..nak ajak meed g vicchuda aa mlm ni..
Anonymous, at 1:33 PM
aku, meed & bbdk rumah aku g vicchuda mlm td ;p
Anonymous, at 7:59 AM
Vicchuda tu kat mana kedainya? Bleh bagi direction skit tak? Nak try pegi.
Anonymous, at 11:10 AM
meme:ko ni memaaaangla struggle.horny ke..?hehe
anonymous:yang aku pegi ni kat area2 uptown.pusing2 situ jumpa a.kalau tak silap aku,kedai dia ada lebih dari satu.raya haji tutup 2 minggu kot.sebelum dan selepas..
selamat berjaya.dan jika berjaya,selamat menjamu selera :)
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM
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