needful unhelpful things

Monday, November 13, 2006

from Miss Izlina

Pusat Asasi Sains akan mengadakan Makan Mlm Sambutan 30 Thn PASUM pd 20/4/07.Melibatkan semua ex-asasian dr 1977-2005.Jika berminat pls contact sy..tlg war-warkan pada ex-asasian yg lain!!Tq



Sasa read this sms, dropped my handphone because she was surprised of a certain something I did not quite notice and/or comprehend, said a certain obscene word and then asked; “Cik lagi ke dia ni..?”

Anyhow, all ex-asasians!! Those interested can contact me to get the phone number of the good woman (Miss Izlina, that is) and speak to her to let your intention be known. And do tell friends ya?

..and to this day, what surprised Sasa still remained a mystery...


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