and then there's the poem
You have been raped and raped again
And been taken advantage of
But I shall be by your side still
All in the name of love
All that have happened remained in my heart
All that have happened remained in my head
Leaving me miserable
Unable to forget
..Because I love you
I really do
Oh, how I love you!
I would say that I am sad
But be halted I shall not
I’ve been really, really mad
But clouded I am not
Hope is not lost, hope is not lost
And I shall be by your side still
To nurture and to build
I love you, Malaysia
I love you
I always have
And I always will
I suddenly had the idea to write this right after last night’s (early this morning) Man United-Chelsea game. Let’s just say it came out of the blue.
And been taken advantage of
But I shall be by your side still
All in the name of love
All that have happened remained in my heart
All that have happened remained in my head
Leaving me miserable
Unable to forget
..Because I love you
I really do
Oh, how I love you!
I would say that I am sad
But be halted I shall not
I’ve been really, really mad
But clouded I am not
Hope is not lost, hope is not lost
And I shall be by your side still
To nurture and to build
I love you, Malaysia
I love you
I always have
And I always will
I suddenly had the idea to write this right after last night’s (early this morning) Man United-Chelsea game. Let’s just say it came out of the blue.
i hate carvalho (and may i add, SAHA?)
Anonymous, at 2:51 PM
mak aku cakap;jgn benci org lebih2 sangat,nanti jadi sayang..
inikah namanya chenta? :p
Anonymous, at 5:35 PM
duuhhh...apa yg mak ko ckp tu x bley dgunapakai dlm situasi aku and carvalho (or saha)
Anonymous, at 11:58 AM
i'm a fan of good football.cewah diplomatik gila jawapan aku.
ya,aku kipas setan merah general i think they play good football.arsenal too,to be fair
..bukanla sumber inspirasi.cuma tiba2 idea tu dtg.n i typed away..
Anonymous, at 12:17 AM
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