what to do?
I was somewhat baffled when a friend said; 'ko ni taste tinggi doh!' To be completely honest, as far as I can remember, I've never hung out with someone (or have the intention to get to know someone better, while we're at that) because she's hot (I might be hung though, if she's really hot). It's always either she's cool, or none of my cool friends are available to hang out ;p The other day when Ira asked me 'taste ko camna weh?' I answered the way I always answered, as far as I can remember; 'takde sifat2 yang khusus pun. Asalkan boleh click. Tapi biarla akalnya tinggi, pandangnya jauh dan luas.' I forgot to metion one more thing to Ira; 'hatinya banyak ruang' (hati besar and hati banyak ruang are two completely different things, mind you!). But anyhow, people are entitled to their own thoughts and opinions. As long as nobody's harmed it's OK I guess. Thanks for the feedback, Kecik :)
OK, enough with the personal ad. I was mildly surprised when the MCIIUM (matriculation centre, IIUM) called me to say they want me to teach there again next semester. I thought I did poorly last semester. I suck. Not literally. I was mighty surprised that none of the other part timers were recalled. Must we do badly to get called again? Hmmm..
Anyhow, the surprises did not end there. The MCIIUM people also urged me, in a take-it-or-leave-it, this-is-an-ultimatum tone to apply for the full time lecturer post. I can honestly say it's flattering that they urged me to apply, letting lots of things pass, like for example; the post was Physics Lecturer when my degree is in Computer Science. Apparently, the interview will be held next week. Without boasting (OK that's a lie. this is boasting. Let me rephrase that to 'without sounding too boastful') I could say that I'm pretty confident that if I get to an interview, it's almost a done deal. But I've never been a full time anything, aside from full time student (if what I'm doing can be termed full time lah). And I'm actually rather reluctant to work full time.
Which puts me in a dilemma.
If I get the full time post I'm pretty sure I'll have to get myself the MOMOS Boxer, so I can be ready to leave at a moment's notice (hmmm, hmmm. Temptations, temptations)..
MOMOS manufactures bikes, not underwears, by the way.
OK, enough with the personal ad. I was mildly surprised when the MCIIUM (matriculation centre, IIUM) called me to say they want me to teach there again next semester. I thought I did poorly last semester. I suck. Not literally. I was mighty surprised that none of the other part timers were recalled. Must we do badly to get called again? Hmmm..
Anyhow, the surprises did not end there. The MCIIUM people also urged me, in a take-it-or-leave-it, this-is-an-ultimatum tone to apply for the full time lecturer post. I can honestly say it's flattering that they urged me to apply, letting lots of things pass, like for example; the post was Physics Lecturer when my degree is in Computer Science. Apparently, the interview will be held next week. Without boasting (OK that's a lie. this is boasting. Let me rephrase that to 'without sounding too boastful') I could say that I'm pretty confident that if I get to an interview, it's almost a done deal. But I've never been a full time anything, aside from full time student (if what I'm doing can be termed full time lah). And I'm actually rather reluctant to work full time.
Which puts me in a dilemma.
If I get the full time post I'm pretty sure I'll have to get myself the MOMOS Boxer, so I can be ready to leave at a moment's notice (hmmm, hmmm. Temptations, temptations)..
MOMOS manufactures bikes, not underwears, by the way.
I dont mind the personal ad, the boasting, the MOMOS dilemma..tp aku cam sdkt tganggu dgn ayat ni:
"Thanks for the feedback, Kecik :)"
ehem..ehem..look who's talking..
p/s-how's ur stalking job?;p
Anonymous, at 2:41 PM
sebenanya dilema aku adalah whether or not to take the full time job
dan apa yg ko cuba imply ni?membe aku ni memang org pangge dia Kecik la,hence the capital letter 'K'
budak pompuan yg report tu dah balik.my team's in charge this week.
The feloship shall be on their toes :p
Anonymous, at 2:04 PM
ok..nama dia kecik, so ko pn pggl dia kecik..tp dia lg kecik ke, ko lg kecik?(brp byk kecik daa...)
aku ada sorg kwn kecik giler..kitorg pggl dia etot..dia lg kecik dr aku..so aku mmg berhak utk pggl dia etot.. ;p (bangganya sbb aku BESAR)
Anonymous, at 2:49 PM
bahagian mana yang BESAR tu? *wicked grin*
Anonymous, at 5:30 PM
u've just showed ur weird and twisted side :p
Anonymous, at 11:54 AM
ape byk2 sgt pekataan kecik ni.. terpanggil plak diri ku ini. cess..hehe..dilema xde keje lg pening..adeh..(",)
Anonymous, at 6:31 PM
software eng.boleh? :p
i'm reluctant to work full time..
but when ready(to work full time) I'm pretty sure it'll be sumthing to do with teaching
and nasrah;ko nak dipanggil 'etot' ke?meme,jalankan tugas.NOW
Anonymous, at 6:54 PM
hampeh..weih nas!aku dgn ko sapa lg besar?klu aku lg bsr aku nk pggl ko etot..muahahaha (tp knp aku rasa nas lg bsr dr aku ha?)
Anonymous, at 9:34 PM
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