the shortcuts of my life
Saturday I broke fast at Zainul with my good friend Rauhan and his brother. Rauhan uttered the 'word' param, which reminded me of various acronyms (OK they're not all acronyms, but you'll get my point) my friends and I frequently used while I was in high school, doing my pre-U (in Banting, or McBee we used to call it; inspired by the acronym for Mara College, Banting-MCB), my undergrad years, and even nowadays. Here are some which I still remember (or rather, can't shake off my head. There are lots, so I put them into different categories, for your reading pleasure :p basically, the first acronym in each category is the 'winner'; most hillarious, most memorable. most unique, etc.);
brupuk - brutal bapuk. When I was in high school, we got a teacher who was a former prison warden, so we never, ever underestimated our teachers. One day there was this new teacher (guru pelatih) who looked like he's capable of doing very violent things. Then he opened his mouth.. and a new word entered our vocabulary. First time heard uttered by: Simen
judut - jubor sedut. Some people chose to not wear underwear under their kain pelikat. And after a long bersila session, they got up. Then and there, this phenomena might be seen
jumanji - jubor mantap jitu. Bootylicious!
kabasbat - kaki balas sms lambat
KREM - cramp. See, this one's real unique because the acronym isn't really krem or cramp. It's the translation; KeJang which is the real acronym (of Kelab Bujang). First heard uttered by: Aida. I caught this one while in 5th college. The 'club' was for the single girls in college, as an answer to the various male-initiated (and largely male-dominated) clubs and/or societies;
i) KeJiL - Kelab Jiwa Luka. Heart broken? Here's your support group!
ii) ATATH - also a club, ATATH is the acronym for 'Aku Tau Aku Tak Hensem'
iii) LeTYH - Lelaki Terabai Yang Hensem. Supposedly a club for single males with sufficient amount of self-esteem to ask the question; I'm good looking, ain't I? (as opposed to ATATH members)
All these 'clubs' usually have one common activity in their main agenda;
bici - bicara cinta. Sounded harsh (as-in; bitchy) so it stayed. Some dub it 'post-mortem'
Food & Beverage
cekote - cekodok sate. One of the most common kueh sold in almost EVERY cafe in UM; three (sometimes four. Or even five, depending on the cekodok size) cekodok pisang on a stick. This one got me laughing non-stop for, like, 5 minutes or so. First time heard uttered by: Arab
param - pasar Ramadhan
palam - pasar malam
palampalam - pasar malam pantai dalam
naslem - nasik lemak
bancau - bandung cincau
kote - kopi teh. Maybe it was some misunderstanding, maybe it was deliberate, and very likely; maybe it was just plain mishap, but sometimes dining hall makciks and pakciks used to get our beverages mixed-up (excuse the pun). Sarsi sabun, Sirap sabun, and in this case; coffee and tea, all rolled into one. I don't recall us complaining though. Mostly we just laughed it off
Nature's call (actually a more appropriate name would be 'filthy things' but what the hell)
tahibur - taik burung. I chose this one as the 'winner' of this category due to its simplicity and stupidity; I mean, what's the point of having this acronym anyway? Why don't you simply say; taik burung? First time heard uttered by: Zaid
raken - raja kentut. 'Ken' is pronounced as-in 'Ken' from 'Street Fighter' so it sounded kind of stylish in a twisted way. And hillarious
kohi - korek idung
kohigen - korek idung gentel
kobon - korek bontot
kubiak - kunci bilik aku. This one turned Kuman into a violent, shaking-like-crazy, laughing-uncontrollably man. The sound is both peculiar and familiar. And hillarious, no doubt. First time heard uttered by: Arab
sejgil - sejuk gila. This is one acronym which I think I overused (abused?) while at Banting. My (former) roommate used to hate it so much when I uttered this one. I think he still does. Betul ke Jeg?
takeng - tak ingat (not like 'taking', it's 'tak, eng'). Used as 'kata penguat', as-in; sedap tak ingat (akin to sedap gila): sedap takeng. First time heard uttered by; takeng (here, it is not used as kata penguat. I simply can't remember who used this first). But most overused by: Jeg
sodom - solat dalam dorm. When I was in high school, the wardens made it compulsory to go to the musalla to pray. Only the seniors and some mencabar maut juniors do it in the dorm
So there, people, the words which made my life all the more merrier. They're like shortcuts. And they're mostly fun. And hillarious. I might've forgotten some, so.. a li'l help? Stone? Popo? Kuman? Anymore? Aku takeng a...
p/s: New acronyms are also welcome. I'm open to suggestions. Totally.
brupuk - brutal bapuk. When I was in high school, we got a teacher who was a former prison warden, so we never, ever underestimated our teachers. One day there was this new teacher (guru pelatih) who looked like he's capable of doing very violent things. Then he opened his mouth.. and a new word entered our vocabulary. First time heard uttered by: Simen
judut - jubor sedut. Some people chose to not wear underwear under their kain pelikat. And after a long bersila session, they got up. Then and there, this phenomena might be seen
jumanji - jubor mantap jitu. Bootylicious!
kabasbat - kaki balas sms lambat
KREM - cramp. See, this one's real unique because the acronym isn't really krem or cramp. It's the translation; KeJang which is the real acronym (of Kelab Bujang). First heard uttered by: Aida. I caught this one while in 5th college. The 'club' was for the single girls in college, as an answer to the various male-initiated (and largely male-dominated) clubs and/or societies;
i) KeJiL - Kelab Jiwa Luka. Heart broken? Here's your support group!
ii) ATATH - also a club, ATATH is the acronym for 'Aku Tau Aku Tak Hensem'
iii) LeTYH - Lelaki Terabai Yang Hensem. Supposedly a club for single males with sufficient amount of self-esteem to ask the question; I'm good looking, ain't I? (as opposed to ATATH members)
All these 'clubs' usually have one common activity in their main agenda;
bici - bicara cinta. Sounded harsh (as-in; bitchy) so it stayed. Some dub it 'post-mortem'
Food & Beverage
cekote - cekodok sate. One of the most common kueh sold in almost EVERY cafe in UM; three (sometimes four. Or even five, depending on the cekodok size) cekodok pisang on a stick. This one got me laughing non-stop for, like, 5 minutes or so. First time heard uttered by: Arab
param - pasar Ramadhan
palam - pasar malam
palampalam - pasar malam pantai dalam
naslem - nasik lemak
bancau - bandung cincau
kote - kopi teh. Maybe it was some misunderstanding, maybe it was deliberate, and very likely; maybe it was just plain mishap, but sometimes dining hall makciks and pakciks used to get our beverages mixed-up (excuse the pun). Sarsi sabun, Sirap sabun, and in this case; coffee and tea, all rolled into one. I don't recall us complaining though. Mostly we just laughed it off
Nature's call (actually a more appropriate name would be 'filthy things' but what the hell)
tahibur - taik burung. I chose this one as the 'winner' of this category due to its simplicity and stupidity; I mean, what's the point of having this acronym anyway? Why don't you simply say; taik burung? First time heard uttered by: Zaid
raken - raja kentut. 'Ken' is pronounced as-in 'Ken' from 'Street Fighter' so it sounded kind of stylish in a twisted way. And hillarious
kohi - korek idung
kohigen - korek idung gentel
kobon - korek bontot
kubiak - kunci bilik aku. This one turned Kuman into a violent, shaking-like-crazy, laughing-uncontrollably man. The sound is both peculiar and familiar. And hillarious, no doubt. First time heard uttered by: Arab
sejgil - sejuk gila. This is one acronym which I think I overused (abused?) while at Banting. My (former) roommate used to hate it so much when I uttered this one. I think he still does. Betul ke Jeg?
takeng - tak ingat (not like 'taking', it's 'tak, eng'). Used as 'kata penguat', as-in; sedap tak ingat (akin to sedap gila): sedap takeng. First time heard uttered by; takeng (here, it is not used as kata penguat. I simply can't remember who used this first). But most overused by: Jeg
sodom - solat dalam dorm. When I was in high school, the wardens made it compulsory to go to the musalla to pray. Only the seniors and some mencabar maut juniors do it in the dorm
So there, people, the words which made my life all the more merrier. They're like shortcuts. And they're mostly fun. And hillarious. I might've forgotten some, so.. a li'l help? Stone? Popo? Kuman? Anymore? Aku takeng a...
p/s: New acronyms are also welcome. I'm open to suggestions. Totally.
aku ada satu acronym guna time skool dulu..invented secara x sengaja oleh my twin sis..dia tergabung perkataan smoking + merokok = SMOKOK. so lps tu klu ada org smoke kitorg akan ckp 'dia smokok'
cam ada nnt aku cuba recall
Anonymous, at 8:38 AM
hahhahahaha...aku gelak sorang2 dlm ofis ni dowhhh bila teringat benda2 ni. haram jadahhh.
tapi byk aku x penah denga beb. kote tu seres lawak. aku x ingat pun hahaha. aku teringat time kat 5th tu bebdk ni ada buat KUMBANG. Kelab Bujang Trang Tang Tang...kalo ko perasan KUM tu xde kaitan dgn Kelab pun. bodo gile
The Narrator, at 11:13 AM
does T.A.B.O.B ring any bells??..
Anonymous, at 12:33 PM
TaBOB-tak balik old boys.ini serius bodoh gila.camna aku bole lupa tah.ada lagi;CirBir(cam kill bill kan?)-cirit birit.pastu yg aku rasa cam tak appropriate pun BuSam(Jeg,Banting.ingat?),AnHar,etc.
keep 'em coming!HAHAHA
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM
hahha... ru sure nak igt balik sumer... let me think ek.. nanti aku list.. hmmm
mazezam, at 12:06 AM
hish hish...xsangka! hahahaha..patut la mcm2 yg diwarisi. tp xhabis la korg wariskan.
Anonymous, at 2:23 AM
karok (",)
Anonymous, at 3:45 AM
popo:aku ingat satu lagi yg biasa guna;rotcai(roti canai)
boro:ko bayangkan keadaan ni;sorg laki2 tgh garu bhgn dekat punggung(salah satu 'cheek',for example :p),pastu ada beberapa wanita berdekatan yg laki2 tadi tak perasan.membe laki2 tadi yg perasan terus jerit;'HOI!KOBON SIAL!' dan mendapat keseronokan tak terhingga.laki2 tadi malu.begitulah kobon tercipta
nasrah:welcome.semoga terhibur and do come again
Anonymous, at 9:39 AM
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