let the past pass
A: Esok gi raya umah B jom..? Nak tengok gambar C. Nak tau camna perangai dia ni dulu, apa la yg teruk sangat agaknya..
Bijam (nama sebenar yang diolah agar tak obvious sangat): Betul ke? Buat apa..!? Tak payahla wei! Bukan tak payah raya a..tak payahla nak tau sangat dia tu dulu camna..
The way I see it, the past is past. A lot of people have a past that they would want to forget, or one they wished never happened, or one they aren’t too keen or too proud to share. And they have every right to feel that way. Because it’s their past. And furthermore, if I am friends with someone (or if I am to have a relationship, or is in a relationship with someone -whichever is applicable), I would very much like to trust her/his judgment. This is to say that; if she/he thinks it’s important for that past to be shared with me, or if I am an important enough person for her/him to share it with, then whatever it is that’s in the past shall be shared, when the time is right. If not, I’d be very happy to share the present and whatever it is that’s in store for the future. I mean, why go looking for something that might make you unhappy? Friendships and relationships should never be like a tribunal or whatever. Penatlah kalau macam tu..
People always have their own reasons for doing whatever they did -maybe the reasons might not be, well, respectable, or decent, but that is besides the point- and I never thought it obligatory for anyone to share what they did, why they did it, or whatever; but only to the extent that if I’ve a skeleton in my closet, I’d rather the people dearest to me know about it from my own mouth rather than from someone else’s.
But what do I know? I’ve been very lucky to be surrounded by honest and sincere people, and I find that I usually see the world with a child’s worldview, so maybe I’m being naïve and too trusting (then again, is there any such thing as ‘too trusting’ in a friendship?), I don’t know. I’ll live and learn I guess. For the time being though, I think I'll just let the past pass.
Bijam (nama sebenar yang diolah agar tak obvious sangat): Betul ke? Buat apa..!? Tak payahla wei! Bukan tak payah raya a..tak payahla nak tau sangat dia tu dulu camna..
The way I see it, the past is past. A lot of people have a past that they would want to forget, or one they wished never happened, or one they aren’t too keen or too proud to share. And they have every right to feel that way. Because it’s their past. And furthermore, if I am friends with someone (or if I am to have a relationship, or is in a relationship with someone -whichever is applicable), I would very much like to trust her/his judgment. This is to say that; if she/he thinks it’s important for that past to be shared with me, or if I am an important enough person for her/him to share it with, then whatever it is that’s in the past shall be shared, when the time is right. If not, I’d be very happy to share the present and whatever it is that’s in store for the future. I mean, why go looking for something that might make you unhappy? Friendships and relationships should never be like a tribunal or whatever. Penatlah kalau macam tu..
People always have their own reasons for doing whatever they did -maybe the reasons might not be, well, respectable, or decent, but that is besides the point- and I never thought it obligatory for anyone to share what they did, why they did it, or whatever; but only to the extent that if I’ve a skeleton in my closet, I’d rather the people dearest to me know about it from my own mouth rather than from someone else’s.
But what do I know? I’ve been very lucky to be surrounded by honest and sincere people, and I find that I usually see the world with a child’s worldview, so maybe I’m being naïve and too trusting (then again, is there any such thing as ‘too trusting’ in a friendship?), I don’t know. I’ll live and learn I guess. For the time being though, I think I'll just let the past pass.
let bygones be bygones..
Anonymous, at 12:30 PM
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