how i come to know spss
Today, I made the effort to get to know more about statistics. Today, I learnt a bit about SPSS. For those of you not in the know, SPSS, if I'm not mistaken, stands for 'Statistical Package for the Social Sciences' (betul ke Meme? Betul kot..?). Here's my story;
On my way to my sister's...
I was, like, 10m away from her house when three motorcycle-riding policemen stopped me.
Prebet 1 (herewith shall be known as 'P1'):mintak lesen ngan roadtax
lkpl (herewith shall be known as, well, lkpl):turun dari motor. Turun, turun
P1:nak pegi mana ni?
me:balik umah akak
P1:kat mana umah akak?
me:tu ha..dekat je
P1:jalan ni nama apa?(here, I think the good private's trying to verify if I really do have a sister living nearby because, well, I was wearing a black sweater and having with me a big black bag, which equates to very suspicious)
me:5/8 A
Oh, I forgot to mention. I don't have a motorcycle licence. And the roadtax has expired. And managed to keep a straight face throughout.
lkpl:ko keja apa ni?
me:belaja lagi bang
lkpl:belaja kat mana?
lkpl:ko bawak moto dari UUM sampai sini takde lesen? (the bike has a Penang registration number)
me:UM. Universiti Malaya.
lkpl:ko bawak moto dari UM sampai sini takde lesen? (deja vu, anyone?)
Anyway, they asked lots of questions. Gave advices even. I mentioned three policemen earlier right? The other one, Prebet 2, said; takde roadtax patut kena bawak gi balai ni..
Anyhow, we got to the point where the lkpl asked me (which totally baffled me at the time); 'kau tau guna Adobe tak?'
me: Acrobat ke? Tau
lkpl: Power point semua tau?
me: tau
lkpl: kalau komputer rosak semua ko boleh repair?
me: tengok la apa yang rosak. Tapi kalau dari barang2 saja tu saya penah la pasang jadi komputer
OK. This is the good part. Trust me
lkpl: ko tolong tesis aku boleh? SPSS. Data semua dah ada dah, tinggal nak interpret ngan buat dalam bentuk ayat je (!!!!)
me: boleh kot (I have this habit of saying 'boleh kot' when people ask me whether or not I can help them with a certain software, even if I haven't used it before)
lkpl: .... ko ada kat sini bila?
me: selalu ujung minggu a. Oh tapi Syawal ni takde kot. Ujung minggu banyak open house (I honestly said this)
lkpl: ek elehh (he honestly said this)
P2:.... ;p
lkpl: ok, mintak no telefon ko
gave phone no, got a missed call.
me: abang nama apa bang?
lkpl: *******
me: Jawa ke bang? (seronok beb, jumpa kaum)
lkpl: takde ah. Ada ke cakap aku Jawa
me: eh OK a Jawa. Saya separuh Jawa bang, cool je..
That was my story. What's yours? ;p
And did I get a ticket? Of course not.
On my way to my sister's...
I was, like, 10m away from her house when three motorcycle-riding policemen stopped me.
Prebet 1 (herewith shall be known as 'P1'):mintak lesen ngan roadtax
lkpl (herewith shall be known as, well, lkpl):turun dari motor. Turun, turun
P1:nak pegi mana ni?
me:balik umah akak
P1:kat mana umah akak?
me:tu ha..dekat je
P1:jalan ni nama apa?(here, I think the good private's trying to verify if I really do have a sister living nearby because, well, I was wearing a black sweater and having with me a big black bag, which equates to very suspicious)
me:5/8 A
Oh, I forgot to mention. I don't have a motorcycle licence. And the roadtax has expired. And managed to keep a straight face throughout.
lkpl:ko keja apa ni?
me:belaja lagi bang
lkpl:belaja kat mana?
lkpl:ko bawak moto dari UUM sampai sini takde lesen? (the bike has a Penang registration number)
me:UM. Universiti Malaya.
lkpl:ko bawak moto dari UM sampai sini takde lesen? (deja vu, anyone?)
Anyway, they asked lots of questions. Gave advices even. I mentioned three policemen earlier right? The other one, Prebet 2, said; takde roadtax patut kena bawak gi balai ni..
Anyhow, we got to the point where the lkpl asked me (which totally baffled me at the time); 'kau tau guna Adobe tak?'
me: Acrobat ke? Tau
lkpl: Power point semua tau?
me: tau
lkpl: kalau komputer rosak semua ko boleh repair?
me: tengok la apa yang rosak. Tapi kalau dari barang2 saja tu saya penah la pasang jadi komputer
OK. This is the good part. Trust me
lkpl: ko tolong tesis aku boleh? SPSS. Data semua dah ada dah, tinggal nak interpret ngan buat dalam bentuk ayat je (!!!!)
me: boleh kot (I have this habit of saying 'boleh kot' when people ask me whether or not I can help them with a certain software, even if I haven't used it before)
lkpl: .... ko ada kat sini bila?
me: selalu ujung minggu a. Oh tapi Syawal ni takde kot. Ujung minggu banyak open house (I honestly said this)
lkpl: ek elehh (he honestly said this)
P2:.... ;p
lkpl: ok, mintak no telefon ko
gave phone no, got a missed call.
me: abang nama apa bang?
lkpl: *******
me: Jawa ke bang? (seronok beb, jumpa kaum)
lkpl: takde ah. Ada ke cakap aku Jawa
me: eh OK a Jawa. Saya separuh Jawa bang, cool je..
That was my story. What's yours? ;p
And did I get a ticket? Of course not.
dduuhhhh...saya anti-rasuah la konon..x amik duit, dia srh ko wat thesis dia plak..ches..aku igt napa la ko nak sgt tau psl spss td..baper lama dia bg ko dateline?sian ko kena wat keje nak elak kena saman..aku senyum jer kat polis yg thn aku, dh jer.. :B)
Anonymous, at 10:44 PM
boro:dulu kuman penah soh aku mintak ptd.dia kata sebab pr aku power.HAHAHA
meme:dia bg pagi kol 10 gitu a.kena submit opis hours semalam jugak.chapter 4 ngan 5 lak tu(analysis ngan conclusion).masa ko sms tu aku tgh menaip dgn tapi jgn salah sangka beb.dia memang tanak saman aku.dia mintak tolong je..dia cakap nanti dia belanja makan ke apa tah.lagipun kalau tesis dia ok,dapat degree,naik ASP beb.meriah la aku kalau ada membe ASP hehehe
..ko wat salah apa?kalau takde salah lojik a senyum je dah selamat
Anonymous, at 1:34 PM
xder salah, xder kuasa la aku nak thegeh2 senyum kt polis tu..aku kena thn sekali sbb bwk laju, skali tu sbb aku ptg double line at d same time aku bwk keta x bwk lesen..
senyum jer beb..
Anonymous, at 8:12 AM
oit rasuah skang dalam bentuk bantuan ye. kalo camni xpe kot hahaha
The Narrator, at 9:28 AM
manala tau ko minat lelaki beruniform ke,sebab tu ko senyum2 Meme.hehehe
Stone,with big powers come big responsibilities.selamba je ko ckp camni,nanti org speculate bukan2 beb.hehehe
reply aku ini dinamakan 'reply hehehe'
Anonymous, at 1:09 PM
hahahahaha..ade gak cite camni. polis tu amik thesis ape?konpius ni. saved by SPSS. haha..
to meme:aku takleh lupe cite ko ngn cicak dlm kete..hahahahaha..
Anonymous, at 1:43 AM
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