Clicking happily, I stumbled upon this site;
flashearth which has maps, or rather, satellite images of places on earth. Way cool huh? Being the geek that I am, I looked for places I frequented most, captured them, and post them here, for your viewing pleasure (and just in case someone wants to seek me, for whatever reasons). Maps courtesy of
google maps;

(Above map showing) The IIUM Matriculation Centre and Universiti Malaya. Rimba Ilmu was labeled due to its significance, in the sense that it's big enough to be labeled :) My lab is a remote one in Pusat Asasi Sains, seen here alongside 'parking moto Jibam', marked with a big, red dot, supposedly emphasizing its importance.

(Above map showing) Universiti Malaya and IIUMMC,
sans the silly red markings. Putting this map along with the one with silly red markings (above the above map) is pointless since both are roughly the same map. But this is my blog.

(Above map showing) Twelfth Residential College, Universiti Malaya. Sapa-sapa free datang a beraya bilik aku. As with most other maps in this entry, 'parking moto Jibam' is marked with a big red dot, in this map accompanied by a fancy-looking arrow.

(Above map showing) Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya. Siap kereta-kereta semua ada tu. Misti bukan image masa raya ni. Notice the red dot and fancy-looking arrow? Good.
(Above map showing) Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya. This time, the red dot marks Jasim's lab, where Jibam spends an ample amount of time since his own lab is a primitive one and is devoid of internet.
(Above map showing) The IIUM Matriculation Centre. No red dots and fancy arrows, because, well, umm..because sometimes I like it that way.
The Science Building, where most of my classes are held. The IIUMMC have some complicated names for their buildings like The Small Web, The Central Spine, etc. Macam Star Trek ke apa tah
As hari raya looms, there's always something we seek. We seek for our alongs and angahs, for that good looking distant cousin whose name we've forgotten, for the murukku to fill the sixth of our six balang kuehs, for the lampu liplaps and pelita minyak tanahs, for sofas and curtains, for whatever it is that we think will make our hari raya perfect. Most important of all, we seek for forgiveness. Without that, Aidilfitri will never be perfect.
Selamat Hari Raya to all muslims. Have a joyous and prosperous Eid, wherever you are. Even in places so distant from myself that I can only search using flashearth. For those who know me, I seek your forgiveness on this beautiful occasion.
May we all find what we seek. This is Jibam, signing off (rasa cam cool gila main2 'signing off'. Haha).
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