needful unhelpful things

Monday, September 24, 2007

the criminal mind

I should be doing my thesis writing up and/or study for next week's class right now, but this just felt right.

Nurin Jazlin's parents face the possibility of being sued. Or so I read. I totally agree with her point that 'we can sue any parents, then, whenever we see any child walking alone'. Thing is, I'm looking at it this way; was there a likelihood that the killer(s) have been stalking Nurin for quite a while (and noticed that the parents are, well, negligent)? I say this must be investigated and proven first, before anyone can prove that the parents've been negligent. Chances are, the killer(s) went to the Wangsa Maju/Kampung Baru area with the notion that 'at these places the security is low' rather than 'there are lots of negligent parents in these areas' or 'I know a kid here (Nurin) whose parents are negligent'. In other words, I believe it to be more a crime of chance rather than a planned one (meaning, the killer(s) was/were looking for any child who was alone, rather than targetting Nurin from the start). And who is responsible for security, if I may ask? Are they not the very same people wanting to prosecute Nurin's parents?

My take on this -and it might very well be flawed but I couldn't care less- is that if the police are to prosecute the parents, they must get the killer(s) first. So in any way, that's what they must be doing, regardless of whether or not Nurin's parents were guilty of negligence. So if you had to prosecute the parents, why don't you stop wasting your resources to build a case against them. Instead, go catch the killer(s) first, why don't you? Please?

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Memang cibai a bendera negara aku kena bakar sebab political statement yang tertentu. Dan kalau kau orang-orang Malaysia, celakalah orang-orang yang duduk di sekeliling buat tak tau bila bendera negara sendiri dibakar. Dan celakalah juga jurugambar kecuali jika beliau orang Indonesia atau Singapura, atas sebab yang sama. Apahal kau nak bakar bendera negara aku, pukimak? Aku bukan milik mana2 parti. Apa salah aku kau buat macam ni? Ini pengisytiharan perang ke? Bukakla helmet kalau berani, tunjuk muka. Bukan main lagi bakar bendera negara aku..nak tunjuk muka tak berani. Pantat la wei. Heiiii panas sial gua

Apa masalah rakyat negara ni sebenarnya? Bodoh ke? Benda macam ni siap jadi benda kecik. Tak bising2 pun. Gegar je Merdeka 50 tahun. Kita Merdeka sebab nak tengok bunga api je ke? Pantat la wei. Setakat terasa hati sikit bila tengok iklan Petronas, meremang sikit bulu tengkok bila tengok Leftenan Adnan, pastu buat kerja macam biasa balik

Dan aku pun begitu. Sekadar tulis je pastu buat kerja macam biasa balik.

Keghairahan dah lama mati di tanah ini. Negara ni cuma negara cari makan. Kita cuma nak cari makan dan hidup aman. Bendera kena bakar? Biar polis setelkan.

Pak polis, saya undi hukuman mati untuk sang pembakar bendera. Atau untuk orang yang mengarahkan beliau berbuat demikian. Atau kedua-duanya sekali. Kalau boleh, haramkan semua parti politik sekali, ya?

..dah tentulah tak boleh. Setakat bakar bendera takkan kena hukuman mati, ye tak? Aman dan cari makan la katakan. Dan kalau parti politik semua haram, ramai la yang tak dapat cari makan.

Jadi, biarlah aku diam. Agar aman dan boleh cari makan.

..kurang pahala puasa aku arini. Cibai betullah (adoi! Terkurang lagi!)