the best things in life are free
The very first day I was a UM student, I fell in love. I did not get to go to any particular residential colleges because I was a bit late to register, so I illegally stayed with my friends at the 5th residential college, where most of my friends were. My first night there; Rauhan, Arab and Apai got back from their minggu interaksi and sang certain parts of the college song. I knew immediately at that time that 'this is where I want to stay'. It was love at first..sound?
It was a relationship that brought many inconvenience for me, as it dragged me on and on, almost always insisting that I stayed in UM. It was fun, for the most part. I have no regrets. My schoolmates even sang 'hidup mati UM' during reunions and such, due to this association of mine (this is a song which lyrics were changed a bit. The song existed but with different lyrics than the one they sang).
But I guess everything must come to an end. It's getting boring and boring now, lack of enthusiasm the main culprit. On my behalf and most of today's undergrads. Last night I went to another of the many college dinners I've attended, and there's no more spark, nothing. It was..bland, no disrespect to the organizers or anyone in particular. I'm getting..older I guess.
Thankfully, THANKfully, there was the ManU-Rovers game going on last night. And what a game it was. Watching -and jumping up and down every once in a while- through metal grills, it was one of the happiest moments in my life. You see, there was this big screen inside a lounge (with doors in the form of metal grills), and despite one of the waiter staring out at people watching from outside the lounge (OK 'people' is a spin. For the most part it was Meme and I HAHA. Occasionally there were other people too, mostly non-MU supporters I presume), we did not budge (cewah! 'did not budge'! Macam gempak je HAHA).
We were the lucky ones, Meme and I. Because we started watching in the second half, at which time Manchester United have already managed to virtually camp outside the Rovers penalty area, managing roughly a quarter century of shots in all. It was actually pretty hard to muffle our screams because all the lads played so well! (we had to control ourselves since we were at a public area in a hotel with people -undergrad students- taking pictures everywhere and then there were people inside the lounge, too. And then there was the waiter, you see :p) And, well, we scored four, you see *belagak*. Since we had to remain..umm..civilized, at least one of us resorted to pinching. All in all, I got roughly a quarter century of pinches. Best gila beb! (am not referring to getting pinched)
So yeah, the best things in life are free :)
It was a relationship that brought many inconvenience for me, as it dragged me on and on, almost always insisting that I stayed in UM. It was fun, for the most part. I have no regrets. My schoolmates even sang 'hidup mati UM' during reunions and such, due to this association of mine (this is a song which lyrics were changed a bit. The song existed but with different lyrics than the one they sang).
But I guess everything must come to an end. It's getting boring and boring now, lack of enthusiasm the main culprit. On my behalf and most of today's undergrads. Last night I went to another of the many college dinners I've attended, and there's no more spark, nothing. It was..bland, no disrespect to the organizers or anyone in particular. I'm getting..older I guess.
Thankfully, THANKfully, there was the ManU-Rovers game going on last night. And what a game it was. Watching -and jumping up and down every once in a while- through metal grills, it was one of the happiest moments in my life. You see, there was this big screen inside a lounge (with doors in the form of metal grills), and despite one of the waiter staring out at people watching from outside the lounge (OK 'people' is a spin. For the most part it was Meme and I HAHA. Occasionally there were other people too, mostly non-MU supporters I presume), we did not budge (cewah! 'did not budge'! Macam gempak je HAHA).
We were the lucky ones, Meme and I. Because we started watching in the second half, at which time Manchester United have already managed to virtually camp outside the Rovers penalty area, managing roughly a quarter century of shots in all. It was actually pretty hard to muffle our screams because all the lads played so well! (we had to control ourselves since we were at a public area in a hotel with people -undergrad students- taking pictures everywhere and then there were people inside the lounge, too. And then there was the waiter, you see :p) And, well, we scored four, you see *belagak*. Since we had to remain..umm..civilized, at least one of us resorted to pinching. All in all, I got roughly a quarter century of pinches. Best gila beb! (am not referring to getting pinched)
So yeah, the best things in life are free :)
eh cakap pasal Man U ke? Ingatkan cakap pasal Liv, yelah..kitorang pun score 4 bijik gak malam tadi. tapi kitorang kalahkan team picisan je la..Arsenal under 18. muahahahhaha! gembire punye pasal, tadi aku beli keychain liverpool yang berharga 5 ringgit sembilan posen. bangga bangga!
Anonymous, at 11:56 PM
team yang aku sapot ni kalah ngan team yg korang kalahkan secara teorinya kalau team yg aku sapot ni lawan livepul,misti kitorang kalah kan?
..nampaknya teori tak sama ngan praktikal.ada silap kat mana2 kot?
hehehe.bakar!bakar! (as opposed to 'bangga bangga!' :p)
Anonymous, at 5:18 PM
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