the loser had not lost
I'm a loser. Yes, I am a loser. I'm admitting to this fact. There was this one time that Borro told me that I'm easily bullied and I was made aware of this fact.
I am a loser. I dislike competing. When I see long queues, nine out of ten times, no, make that 998 out of 1000 times I'd almost surely go "Ahhh! Malasnya aku nak beratur! Lain kali ah! (or 'Gi tempat lain ah!')". The only other two out of the 1000 times that I'd go nevertheless would be when I had to have my passport done, and at Zainul Nasi Kandar. Girls? Similar. This may sound like a big turn off to girls, but I so dislike to compete for someone's heart. I think people should just go do what they want/like and I, of course, am a firm believer of the old saying that 'jodoh pertemuan di tangan Tuhan' (if it's meant to be, it'll be). I mean, if I like someone, of course I'd want to make her happy (like d-uh!!), but if like, there are lots of guys around wanting to 'win' her and she seems to be enjoying it (or, God forbid, them :p) then it's OK, maybe it's just not meant to be. Or it's the timing. Or whatever. I'm also a loser in the sense that I've acknowledged the fact that I do not have a chance in hell to win lucky draws. The only time, ever, that I won one was when I was sitting beside Meme during this FEA dinner or whatever, and now she's the unluckiest person on earth (kidding). Seriously, I won't win again, ever. Ever. Except maybe if I get to sit beside her again, I don't really know. It's an unproven hypotheses, you see.
Anyway, being the veteran loser, I've devised a way to not be at the losing end all the time, despite losing all the time (strange sentence, I know, but read on). There are only two rules;
1) (If) You can't win, at least don't lose (word in parentheses is for those who're unsure of their loser status). That is; always, always fight for scraps. For example, those who know me will know that I'm not the brightest or the most hardworking student ever, but hey, I've got a 'Best Oral Presentation' award, got to go to Singapore (for academic reasons) and if I'm lucky (which I'm not, except maybe when sitting beside Meme), I'll get to go to Portugal in July (again, for academic reasons). I mean, the 'winners' get jobs with big salaries or full-scholarshipped further studies and marry early and have children born early and whatever. I'm a loser, so I fight for whatever scraps. You'll be surprised at what extravagant scraps there are for losers out there. Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can.
2) Losing anyway? Be graceful. Mourinho, when Chelsea won against Manchester United at Old Trafford some time ago that I'd hate to remember, despite being sort of an asshole in the sense that he's always claiming to be the special one and whatever, actually said this; "I have great respect and admiration for Alex Ferguson. He treated me well. I must learn from him and return the compliment when we host them (Man United)"(or something similar). No, not with sarcasm. If everyone just learn to be graceful in defeat, in a way, the loser also wins. And it takes 'the winning feeling' from the winner a bit. I mean, imagine if Fergie were asshole-y on that particular day, won't Mourinho go; "in your face, man!!" and punch one hand in the air? Won't he be, well, happier? Grace is wonderful. The one part that the loser can always outshine the winner.
Good luck, losers!!
I am a loser. I dislike competing. When I see long queues, nine out of ten times, no, make that 998 out of 1000 times I'd almost surely go "Ahhh! Malasnya aku nak beratur! Lain kali ah! (or 'Gi tempat lain ah!')". The only other two out of the 1000 times that I'd go nevertheless would be when I had to have my passport done, and at Zainul Nasi Kandar. Girls? Similar. This may sound like a big turn off to girls, but I so dislike to compete for someone's heart. I think people should just go do what they want/like and I, of course, am a firm believer of the old saying that 'jodoh pertemuan di tangan Tuhan' (if it's meant to be, it'll be). I mean, if I like someone, of course I'd want to make her happy (like d-uh!!), but if like, there are lots of guys around wanting to 'win' her and she seems to be enjoying it (or, God forbid, them :p) then it's OK, maybe it's just not meant to be. Or it's the timing. Or whatever. I'm also a loser in the sense that I've acknowledged the fact that I do not have a chance in hell to win lucky draws. The only time, ever, that I won one was when I was sitting beside Meme during this FEA dinner or whatever, and now she's the unluckiest person on earth (kidding). Seriously, I won't win again, ever. Ever. Except maybe if I get to sit beside her again, I don't really know. It's an unproven hypotheses, you see.
Anyway, being the veteran loser, I've devised a way to not be at the losing end all the time, despite losing all the time (strange sentence, I know, but read on). There are only two rules;
1) (If) You can't win, at least don't lose (word in parentheses is for those who're unsure of their loser status). That is; always, always fight for scraps. For example, those who know me will know that I'm not the brightest or the most hardworking student ever, but hey, I've got a 'Best Oral Presentation' award, got to go to Singapore (for academic reasons) and if I'm lucky (which I'm not, except maybe when sitting beside Meme), I'll get to go to Portugal in July (again, for academic reasons). I mean, the 'winners' get jobs with big salaries or full-scholarshipped further studies and marry early and have children born early and whatever. I'm a loser, so I fight for whatever scraps. You'll be surprised at what extravagant scraps there are for losers out there. Trust me, if I can do it, anyone can.
2) Losing anyway? Be graceful. Mourinho, when Chelsea won against Manchester United at Old Trafford some time ago that I'd hate to remember, despite being sort of an asshole in the sense that he's always claiming to be the special one and whatever, actually said this; "I have great respect and admiration for Alex Ferguson. He treated me well. I must learn from him and return the compliment when we host them (Man United)"(or something similar). No, not with sarcasm. If everyone just learn to be graceful in defeat, in a way, the loser also wins. And it takes 'the winning feeling' from the winner a bit. I mean, imagine if Fergie were asshole-y on that particular day, won't Mourinho go; "in your face, man!!" and punch one hand in the air? Won't he be, well, happier? Grace is wonderful. The one part that the loser can always outshine the winner.
Good luck, losers!!
encik gbum, u shld be thankful for wut you have rather than grieve over something u u're not always a loser la..remember the time when u sat beside me?HAHA..(btw, masa dinner masum zira sat nxt to me n she won d lucky draw too..i'm indeed e'body's lucky charm ;p)
d point is, those who have jobs wif big salaries or full-scholarship, marry early wif children might not always be winners..ntah2 diorg nyer life lg crap dr kita..baru jer tadi mak aku ckp kat aku 'xder satu benda yg sempurna kita bley dpt atas dunia ni'..God knows wut's best for each of thankful for wut He has given you so far..aku rasa walau mcm mana loser pn ko rasa diri ko tu, to someone u might be a winner..erm..but not to me la..HAHA
u want me to be by ur side all d time so u wont feel like a loser eh?MANJA sial!!!
Anonymous, at 2:50 PM
alamak kenapa ko tulis panjang2 pulak ni?rasa cam aku loser betul yg perlu diconsole pulak.if u think i'm grieving anything u've totally misunderstood wut i wrote.tapi takpela,akupun tak expect tinggi sgt kat ko tu
..point aku sebenanya ialah..adakah kamu loser?ya?ENJOY IT!!
Anonymous, at 6:29 PM
owh really?i tot ur point was 'how to handle your loser-y life: from a loser's point of view'
Anonymous, at 8:14 PM
boleh jugak camtu.mana2 la.yg penting aku tak tulis dalam nada depress la
..nanti bila2 ko fri dtg a duk sebelah aku,tgk laki charm lagi tak ko lucky charm.silap eja pulak.
Anonymous, at 8:26 PM
Thanks jibam.
Good luck to you too :)
Anonymous, at 11:48 PM
memang tak nak updet eh? updet ah updet ahh..tulis la pasal apa-apa. tikus ke lipas ke, stalker ke.
dah sikat rambut belum hari ni? hihi.
Aku Tak Bisa Luluhkan Hatimu.., at 5:05 PM
dude, u are so not a loser mannn.
Man U ko tuh mungkin lahhh hehe :P
The Narrator, at 11:43 PM
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