amongst passionless people
Every man dies. Not every man really lives(from Braveheart)
I work amongst youths. Youths are usually arrogant, eager, expecting something to happen or making things happen, without a care about the world, gung-ho, anti-establishment, with lots of radical views and opinions, the list goes on and on. I mean, it's not like we've never been youths, right? But apparently, that is not the case here. Here, they are mostly just arrogant and passionless. Unenthusiastic. Not all, but most of them. Especially their leaders. And that is a sad, sad thing.
I find it especially sad that the youths here are doing things because of the reward(s) that awaits. OK frankly we're all guilty of looking for the bounty every once in a while, but it seems to me that the youths here are going to the extreme. They're like horny for rewards or something. Their world is mostly just check and balance. No enthusiasm, no passion. Just merit points. Check, and balance. Check, and balance.
I do research on fractals. Conceptually, I work to quantify things that are very hard to quantify, unquantified even, always with the belief that they can and will be quantified. But I've always, always been aware that there are things that cannot be quantified, no matter how hard one tried. There's passion and compassion and enthusiasm and love; the driving forces.
PASSION, people!!
8 Comments: horny.. do i count as passionless? :D
Anonymous, at 5:32 PM
that's why i told u, staying there is not good 4 my health..passion yg aku bleh show kt situ pn, when i was really angry to the brink of going mad..
reality bites!!welcome to the real world..
Anonymous, at 9:59 AM
aku selalu memandang ke arah dunia dengan pandangan budak2
Anonymous, at 2:49 PM
aper mksdnya?
does that mean we shld accept wut they did?biarkan bdk2 tu trs hanyut jer dgn dunia diorg yg horny for rewards, full of check and balance, passionless and in short..lifeless?
I mean, it's not like we've never been youths, right?->cam terasa tua giler laks baca ayat nih..
Anonymous, at 2:00 PM
maksudnya aku sentiasa pikir dunia ni best dan budak2 vita et bella (betul ke aku eja tu?).maksudnya things will change for the better.maksudnya sentiasa ada lite at the end of the tunnel.
..kiranya ko blah tu ko tak bole accept wut they did ke?tapi they'll still be doing it.cuma ko tak rasa pape je sebab ko dah blah.maknanya ko still accept wut they did..cuma ko tak approve or tak acknowledge je.betul tak..?
aku rasa bleak bukan sebab aku rasa keadaan ni hopeless.tapi sebab aku rasa aku tak lama kat sini.rasanya tak byk yg aku bole buat.maybe,over time i'll even lose all my energy.
p/s:masa ko baru datang dulu ko rasa cam aku ni ke?as-in,macam ko bole buat perubahan?aku ni naive kan?
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM
yup..masa aku dtg, aku igt apa yg aku notice time tu cuma bsifat sementara..aku pn ambitious gak nak wat something..but aku rasa fed up bila kdg2 pbaharuan yg nak dibuat tu dianggap sgt remeh oleh those youth and those supposed-to-be-matured adults (admin ppl)..
so, aku cuba ignore and see it from their perspective, hoping it'll make me feel better..instead, it made me feel worse coz i really cant accept it..klu aku stay, aku akan skt hati sbb aku tau aku xbley wat apa2 lg utk ubah keadaan sucks..
Anonymous, at 3:40 PM
atas tak guna bawah pun tak guna ek..?
tersepit kat tgh aku ni..*sigh*
Anonymous, at 9:43 AM
carpe diem baby!!
The Narrator, at 10:28 AM
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