leaders wanted
Indonesians say;
Our forefathers who fought for this country never knew whether or not we would achieve independence, but they fought nevertheless. They never knew if they were on the winning or losing team. They just do it. Out of love, fierce and fearsome love for the country. Had they been alive today they would have set the FFM alive. They would have created brilliant films. They would have played football like there is no tomorrow. They might have won the World Cup. They would have seized the day and live with no regrets.
This is the month we remember and celebrate our independence. Stop waiting for the government. Get enthusiastic and make our forefathers proud.
Malaysia merdeka dengan rundingan, Indonesia merdeka dengan buluh runcingI just read stone's blog about the unenthusiastic nature of the Malaysian people attending the Festival Filem Malaysia. Not that I'm the I'm-better-than-you-so-you-better-shut-up-and-listen-to-me, kapish? type, but I think that is the way of the Malaysian people nowadays, and this trend is depressing. Very, very depressing. Where have all the enthusiasm gone..? I think it's very sad that lots of people in this country are merely waiting for something to happen. It seems to me that everyone have this mentality of waiting for a government program. Or wait for TV3 to do something. And also the mentality of 'if they're not offering freebies, don't cooperate'. And (and if I might add, this is a malicious one) if the team ain't winning, it ain't ours.
Our forefathers who fought for this country never knew whether or not we would achieve independence, but they fought nevertheless. They never knew if they were on the winning or losing team. They just do it. Out of love, fierce and fearsome love for the country. Had they been alive today they would have set the FFM alive. They would have created brilliant films. They would have played football like there is no tomorrow. They might have won the World Cup. They would have seized the day and live with no regrets.
This is the month we remember and celebrate our independence. Stop waiting for the government. Get enthusiastic and make our forefathers proud.
i think it's in our nature to be sooo un-enthusiastic. aku salahkan the general public sebab ye lahh...kalo ada sesapa yang lebih2 mesti kita kutuk2 cakap "ek elehhh, tak payah la beriya sangat"
seriusly, kekadang aku pun rasa camtuh. sampai aku pun takut nak beriya just becoz of the fear apa orang cakap nanti. there's a fine line between beriya and trying to do sumthing to the best that we can. Carpe diem rules, and the faster we learn it the better
The Narrator, at 2:44 PM
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