Yesterday I got my first pay as a futsal coach. HAHAHA happynya aku!! And not because of the money. I enjoyed coaching (sports) a lot as it combines the two things (or the two tasks, if you wanna see it that way) I enjoyed in life the most; sports and teaching (for the time being at least), but never in my wildest dreams did it occur to me that I would be getting paid doing it (and trust me, I have very wild dreams).
It kinda makes you feel good too when people call you 'coach'. Trust me. Everyone should try being a coach sometimes.
I'm thinking of having business cards that say something like:
Mohd Najmuddin Suki
Futsal Coach
Gempak gila doh!! Macam Gol dan Gincu.HAHAHA. Oh and I forgot to mention; the team was a women's team (*echo* G&g *echo*).
It kinda makes you feel good too when people call you 'coach'. Trust me. Everyone should try being a coach sometimes.
I'm thinking of having business cards that say something like:
Mohd Najmuddin Suki
Futsal Coach
Gempak gila doh!! Macam Gol dan Gincu.HAHAHA. Oh and I forgot to mention; the team was a women's team (*echo* G&g *echo*).
weh! aku nak join ko nye team pelajar futsal buleh ak? buleh ah.. plezeeee COACH jibam.. plezee :D
yanAzhad, at 9:51 PM
wei jibam, ko coach women's team ye. demn lah u. ni aku marah ni..heheh
The Narrator, at 12:14 PM
yana:sebenanya aku coach team opis Erl.Erl agak terel gak a.aku rasa ko pon mesti terel *rolls eyes*
stoney:aku tak sangka selain dari sofbol,ada lagi sukan lain yg org pakai tights utk berlari-lari.HAHAHA ko jeles kan..?
Anonymous, at 1:37 PM
wah.. ye ke.. yess la.. ada kwn lagi main futsal.. leh aku kenen derg lps ni.. suryati bini faizal pun rasanye join futsal..
yanAzhad, at 2:16 PM
jibam ko pun pakai tights gak ke lari2..heee..
yanAzhad, at 2:17 PM
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