can I have more hours please..?
The past week have been a terribly busy one for me, especially Wednesday to Friday, as the biotech thingy was running. My day virtually started at 7.00 a.m and ended at 10.30 p.m. Seriously. Ni dah tak byk keje ni aku nak menulis puas2. Demit betul. A breakdown of activities of my day, last Wednesday;
7.00 a.m : Prepare notes and exercises for class (this is a class I teach. Aku tak penah prepare langsung pon kalau nak pegi belajar.)
8.00 a.m : Bathe and prepare ('preparing' includes ironing my shirt and stuff. Aku mandi haram kejap gila je aku rasa..) for biotech exhibition (held in PWTC)
8.30 a.m : At PWTC. Prepare for Exhibition
5.00 p.m : Exhibition closes for the day. Head back to college (I'm a pembantu penyelia in 12th college, UM now; FYI)
5.30 p.m : Softball training (apparently, the fellows and co-fellows are also manager of at least one sports team. I am manager of four teams -celaka betul 12 college buli aku-, one of which being the men's softball team, which consist of 15 people, 12 of which have never, ever played softball in their lives before. So I also coach them. I am a player-coach-manager, the acronym of which being placoma. HAHAHA)
7.30 p.m : Bathe and prepare for class (physical preparation, that is)
8.30 p.m : In IIUM Matriculation centre. Class starts at 8.30 and ends at 10.30 p.m. The biotech exhibition made it impossible for me to conduct this class during the day so this was really a replacement class.
I never thought I'd one day wish for more than 24 hours in a day.
I guess I thought wrong. And anyhow, I don't know why people would want to read about how busy I was so I'll put a 'disclaimer' here:
Aku tulis sume ni sebab aku tension gila dan kepala aku rasa nak pecah. So aku share menda ni. Sekarang aku lega sikit dan hormon cortisol aku tak perlu dirembeskan dengan terlalu banyak lagi. Sekian terima kasih..
7.00 a.m : Prepare notes and exercises for class (this is a class I teach. Aku tak penah prepare langsung pon kalau nak pegi belajar.)
8.00 a.m : Bathe and prepare ('preparing' includes ironing my shirt and stuff. Aku mandi haram kejap gila je aku rasa..) for biotech exhibition (held in PWTC)
8.30 a.m : At PWTC. Prepare for Exhibition
5.00 p.m : Exhibition closes for the day. Head back to college (I'm a pembantu penyelia in 12th college, UM now; FYI)
5.30 p.m : Softball training (apparently, the fellows and co-fellows are also manager of at least one sports team. I am manager of four teams -celaka betul 12 college buli aku-, one of which being the men's softball team, which consist of 15 people, 12 of which have never, ever played softball in their lives before. So I also coach them. I am a player-coach-manager, the acronym of which being placoma. HAHAHA)
7.30 p.m : Bathe and prepare for class (physical preparation, that is)
8.30 p.m : In IIUM Matriculation centre. Class starts at 8.30 and ends at 10.30 p.m. The biotech exhibition made it impossible for me to conduct this class during the day so this was really a replacement class.
I never thought I'd one day wish for more than 24 hours in a day.
I guess I thought wrong. And anyhow, I don't know why people would want to read about how busy I was so I'll put a 'disclaimer' here:
Aku tulis sume ni sebab aku tension gila dan kepala aku rasa nak pecah. So aku share menda ni. Sekarang aku lega sikit dan hormon cortisol aku tak perlu dirembeskan dengan terlalu banyak lagi. Sekian terima kasih..
jibam.. aku nak tau camne nak buat karangan Islamic yg susah itu utk apply UIA nih!
yanAzhad, at 9:52 PM
karangan Islamic yang mana lak ni..?ko mintak kat jobstreet ke?fyi,aku partimer je,mintak pakai borang hard copy
..mintak kat jobstreet ada karangan Islamic ke..?dulu aku ada gak nak mintak full time,dia tanya buku yg mempengaruhi pandangan aku tentang Islam ngan prinsip education dalam Islam.ko nak ngaja kat matric uia ke apa nih..?jom gilah!ada gak membe teman aku makan.makan ngan budak2 ni sembang tak mencabar a.. :p
Anonymous, at 1:20 PM
aku tgk dlm borang donlod dr website tu ada soklan2 ni la.. yg dr jobstreet tu pun kena jwp soklan2 tu..uhuk.. aku bukan islamic sgt duhh nak jwb.. tp mmg aku tak kesah nak ngaja matriculation ke tutor kat gombak ke.. heheh.. err..aku sembang mencabar minda ko ke??..hahahahahha
yanAzhad, at 2:14 PM
aku dah melalui satu proses yg dipangge agaknya aku ada sikiiit advantage la kalau nak mintak full time.sebab results microteaching ni macam recommendation la.
tak payah Islamic sangat pun bole jawap kot.aritu aku ajar lab,dlm report dia siap ada tanya pasal hadith yg bole dikaitkan ngan gravity.budak tak tau,tanya aku.gagap terus aku.demit betul.kalau ada can,aku rasa ada baiknya ko gi microteaching sebab dia nak tgk ko ada passion utk mengaja ke x.
..yg pasal sembang tu..kalau sembang ngan budak2 ni selalunya asek akuuu je kena bagi pendapat,kadang2 rasa letih gak a
Anonymous, at 11:17 PM
microteaching tu ko buat kat UIA ke? ko ada email tak yg bleh aku tanya dan mendpt jawapan dgn kadar cepat?
yanAzhad, at 10:05 PM
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