horny monkeys
Monkeys are ravaging the watertank above my lab, french kissing (I think) and, well, fucking freely. All done while wet (with the water from the tank, in case anyone is thinking about some other kind of wetness).
I get it there'll be lots of baby monkeys soon. I've never heard of monkey condoms.
I get it there'll be lots of baby monkeys soon. I've never heard of monkey condoms.
bukan ke monyet rimba ilmu dah pupus ke? comeback kot nihhh
The Narrator, at 2:40 AM
mana hang tau takde monkey condoms..?
Anonymous, at 4:57 PM
ambik ah gamba..
Anonymous, at 6:15 PM
stoney:kadang2 mereka ada.macam musim gakla
boro:aku taktau.never heard.ko nak menunjuk-nunjuk ilmu monyet ko ke apa ni?hehe
kai:bila je aku nak amek gamba misti diorg malu.adala gamba tapi dari jauh sebab diorg lari('lari' literally means climbing some nearby tree rapidly)
Anonymous, at 7:39 PM
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