let's do this together
To all PTPTN loanees not in the know, get to know now; the yuran proses is now a whopping *RM 77.00/mth, unless my friend who relayed this information to me made a mistake in interpreting his penyata. That said, let's make a simple calculation;
Assumed loan (this amount being, the amount loaned to the majority of people my age who studied in IPTAs) :- RM 28,000.00
interest (at 3% per year if I'm not mistaken. Or was it 4%? Anyone?) :- RM 840/yr (equivalent to RM 70.00/mth)
Get what I'm saying? RM 77.00 + RM 70.00 = RM 147.00 man!! That means if anyone with that amount (RM 28,000.00) loaned (myself included) do monthly repayments of, say, RM 150.00, s/he is actually paying up the loan at a rate of RM 3.00/mth. Hawt damn! Good luck paying up RM 28,000.00 then (again, myself included huhu -this is a real sad-sounding, crybaby-ish 'huhu').
OK, no matter how cliched this might sound; for the sake of the future generations;
1)Pay up, loanees.
2)Stop being such an asshole, PTPTN. For one, stop the interest calculator for people who're furthering their studies, and get a HQ with a less fancy address to minimize the yuran proses, dammit. And while at that, why don't you people start defining what yuran proses really is? I mean, why would processing the paying up of my loan incur a cost of up to RM 77.00? Can't a computer do the calculation or something?
*this is to be confirmed since I myself haven't seen the said penyata
Assumed loan (this amount being, the amount loaned to the majority of people my age who studied in IPTAs) :- RM 28,000.00
interest (at 3% per year if I'm not mistaken. Or was it 4%? Anyone?) :- RM 840/yr (equivalent to RM 70.00/mth)
Get what I'm saying? RM 77.00 + RM 70.00 = RM 147.00 man!! That means if anyone with that amount (RM 28,000.00) loaned (myself included) do monthly repayments of, say, RM 150.00, s/he is actually paying up the loan at a rate of RM 3.00/mth. Hawt damn! Good luck paying up RM 28,000.00 then (again, myself included huhu -this is a real sad-sounding, crybaby-ish 'huhu').
OK, no matter how cliched this might sound; for the sake of the future generations;
1)Pay up, loanees.
2)Stop being such an asshole, PTPTN. For one, stop the interest calculator for people who're furthering their studies, and get a HQ with a less fancy address to minimize the yuran proses, dammit. And while at that, why don't you people start defining what yuran proses really is? I mean, why would processing the paying up of my loan incur a cost of up to RM 77.00? Can't a computer do the calculation or something?
*this is to be confirmed since I myself haven't seen the said penyata
jom buat bising jom? peminjam ptptn ade bape juta, kalau setiap sorang antar email kat utusan ke, kementerian pelajaran ke, sure overloaded diorangnye email.pastu takleh la diorang nak baca forwarded email.sure pastu org2 gomen ni kecoh2 kan? mungkin dgn itu kita akan mendapat perhatian pihak berkuasa agar tidak mencekik darah graduan2 malaysia yg underpaid inih.
Anonymous, at 8:57 PM
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