low,low point *sigh*
I've just finished marking my students' mid semester exam scripts. Most of them did poorly. OK actually, all of them did poorly. I so suck as their teacher. I suck I suck I suck. Not literally. This is honestly a very low point in my life. I mean, there's nothing like messing other people's future up, is there? Especially if they're young and naive. Shoot. Sorry guys! Shoot. I don't think I can apologize enough to them. Shoot. Damn betullah.
Oh well. It's either you succeed or you learn. They'll do better in the finals. Matila korang aku kerjakan..
Oh well. It's either you succeed or you learn. They'll do better in the finals. Matila korang aku kerjakan..
ok..this really proves why dr amru picked d wrong guy aite? muahahahahahahaha....
Anonymous, at 8:19 AM
heyyy...no hal dude. chaiyokkk weii!! berusahalah jibamm!!
btw, selamat berpuasa dude. jom buka?
The Narrator, at 4:27 PM
meme:this really proves THAT dr amru picked the wrong guy OR this really JUSTIFIED why I SAID dr amru picked the wrong guy
..must u rely on me ALL the time..? :p
stoney:kawe buko poso di masjid beb.tapi kalu mu mau,kawe set yo.naik kl a wei,pastu kita discuss.weh sponsor anak yatim makan nak tak..?happening doh
Anonymous, at 5:47 PM
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