who are you again..?
What I'm about to write right now is largely motivated by the telenovela in Boro's blog which I already posted a comment on but one that she can't seem to comprehend.
Macam ni Boro, uhuk! Uhuk! (batuk style orang tua nak mulakan cerita) I'm particularly interested in this part of the dialogue;
"Awak seharusnya suka saya untuk siapa saya, bukan siapa awak harap saya akan jadi suatu hari nanti."
OK, here's what I think; who someone really is can be broken down into various parts; it includes the smallest things like what beverage one'd prefer for breakfast to wider, more global things like what one might think about the US's occupancy of Iraq. Who someone really is includes what team one supports, what sport(s) one like most, why one would do certain things at certain times, why one acts the way she/he does in various ciscumstances; these are all part of who someone really is. And in being who one is, one is unique in which there's none else quite like (OK I'm somewhat dah lari tajuk here but please bear with me). The thing is, part of being someone includes how (and what) she/he thinks and form opinions, what motivates her/him, how she/he would act when faced with various situations/conflicts/challenges. And what ambition she/he has.
Here's an analogy; imagine a set of twins enrolled in the same university; they're identical in anything and everything (even their colour-coordinated outfits, but that's besides the point) but in their answer to the question 'what do you set to do in this university?' The first answered; 'to find a spouse' and the second; 'to graduate and make a change in this world' (OK the second's answer's very cliched but you get the point), I'd be attracted to the second, hands down (provided the second's a she). My point: ambition is also part of being someone and hence what makes someone attractive. So I don't really get the sentence "..bukan siapa awak harap saya akan jadi suatu hari nanti." because it somehow translates into "my ambition is not important" which is absurdly inconsistent with the phrase "..siapa saya". I am who I am but my ambition is something else..?
Then again, this is an opinion of mine because I am who I am :)
p/s: panjang la pulak explanation aku. Tapi ni blog aku so takpela
Macam ni Boro, uhuk! Uhuk! (batuk style orang tua nak mulakan cerita) I'm particularly interested in this part of the dialogue;
"Awak seharusnya suka saya untuk siapa saya, bukan siapa awak harap saya akan jadi suatu hari nanti."
OK, here's what I think; who someone really is can be broken down into various parts; it includes the smallest things like what beverage one'd prefer for breakfast to wider, more global things like what one might think about the US's occupancy of Iraq. Who someone really is includes what team one supports, what sport(s) one like most, why one would do certain things at certain times, why one acts the way she/he does in various ciscumstances; these are all part of who someone really is. And in being who one is, one is unique in which there's none else quite like (OK I'm somewhat dah lari tajuk here but please bear with me). The thing is, part of being someone includes how (and what) she/he thinks and form opinions, what motivates her/him, how she/he would act when faced with various situations/conflicts/challenges. And what ambition she/he has.
Here's an analogy; imagine a set of twins enrolled in the same university; they're identical in anything and everything (even their colour-coordinated outfits, but that's besides the point) but in their answer to the question 'what do you set to do in this university?' The first answered; 'to find a spouse' and the second; 'to graduate and make a change in this world' (OK the second's answer's very cliched but you get the point), I'd be attracted to the second, hands down (provided the second's a she). My point: ambition is also part of being someone and hence what makes someone attractive. So I don't really get the sentence "..bukan siapa awak harap saya akan jadi suatu hari nanti." because it somehow translates into "my ambition is not important" which is absurdly inconsistent with the phrase "..siapa saya". I am who I am but my ambition is something else..?
Then again, this is an opinion of mine because I am who I am :)
p/s: panjang la pulak explanation aku. Tapi ni blog aku so takpela
comment aku kpd post ko ini ;P
Anonymous, at 12:13 PM
oo..lupa lak..ko dh tgk movie heart?aku mbayangkan ko yg kononnya hopeless romantic akan menangis teresak2 mcm meed. aku g tgk kt cineplex ngan hr tu. dia nangis beria, aku plak gelakkan dia sampai dia bengang, siap srh aku tkr dok tmpt lain. d place was great but the movie was boring. bg aku yg smemangnya x romantic ni, jln citer tu x ckp kuat utk keluarkan air mata aku. pelakon cam fake giler. no wonder they're called actor
Anonymous, at 12:43 PM
btul gbam... actualy one's ambition tuh kinda defines who is he/she in general... teringatlak beriter malam tadi, agaknyer time kecik2 dulu, Faiz membe kite banting tuh ader ambition jadi angkasawan tak kecik2 dulu tak? heheheh...
Kuman, at 3:59 AM
bole tak aku menyampah tgk gambar Blogger ko tu kuman? hahahhahaha
The Narrator, at 3:53 PM
meme:i think u might have somewhat misinterpreted my confessing of being a hopeless romantic
boro:memecomey(comey?bluekkk!!) ada bagi thots jugak in her blog.a bit contrary to mine.oh we're both MU fans by the way.mungkin sebab tu pemikiran kitorang matang sikit dari ko :p
kuman:aku nak jadi pilot tapi tak cukup tinggi
stoney:kumannye gambar macam..'suami mithali dan lelaki yang budiman' kan..?kontrol kening sikiittt
..aku nak cakap sebelum ni tapi kang kuman marah lak.skang kalau kuman marah ko a tanggung
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM
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