the gentlemen's game
I played my first official game of cricket today. Woohoo!! OK, maybe semi-official since it's a friendly and the umpires are members of both teams, but what the hell. I didn't do but one mistake, which I don't think is costly but I guess that emphasizes my amateur status. So I didn't do badly I reckon. To top that off, I took the opponent's star batsman off. To Gotham with you batsman! Hah!
Anyway, what's more important is I enjoyed the game. I think everyone did. And anyway, I think we need to improve our fitness. Here's a secret to all our opponents: UM cricket team's fitness SUCK! But really, no one needs to know UM's secret. We're not expected to win any of our matches at the Sukan Masum. Such low expectations spell good time!
So we'll enjoy ourselves. Big time. GAME ON!
Anyway, what's more important is I enjoyed the game. I think everyone did. And anyway, I think we need to improve our fitness. Here's a secret to all our opponents: UM cricket team's fitness SUCK! But really, no one needs to know UM's secret. We're not expected to win any of our matches at the Sukan Masum. Such low expectations spell good time!
So we'll enjoy ourselves. Big time. GAME ON!
wuiyooo..main kriket sekarang?cayalah!!mmg lelaki idaman ku..ahahahahha..babe,ko gi tak kuman kawin..erm..wut a questionla kan?eehhe...jumpa sana eh...
Anonymous, at 1:20 PM
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