mari mengukir sabun
I've seen this tv commercial about government officials being polite and proper and efficient (manning the various counters, that is. Bukan kaulah stone). The message from the gomen is quite clear; learn to be polite, learn to be courteous, learn to be bersih cekap amanah. But before there is any indication that staffs at the UM HEP treat people like human, I refuse to believe that commercial.
And here I thought a university is a place where people learn.
And here I thought a university is a place where people learn.
they dont learn in the university..they just run it..those damn b******s!!
Anonymous, at 11:49 AM
aku pun akui yang iklan tu pembongak semata-mata. tapi ada gak certain tempat yang memang efisyen dan cekap. contohnya pejabat pendaftaran kat Bahau, Mantin dan area di mana populasi <100. gerenti settle before noon!
The Narrator, at 6:17 PM
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