needful unhelpful things

Thursday, April 20, 2006

UEFA Champion's League part 2:can Arsenal do a Liverpool?

For whatever reasons people seem to think that the Milan-Barca semifinal as the harder rather than the Arsenal-Villareal semifinal. And for whatever reasons the same people might be considering the Champion's League final a turn-off. I think that all of the four teams have equal motivation and very good reasons to win the most coveted prize in European football (other than money, that is). For the romantic, there's the question of whether or not Arsenal can win it in their final season at Highbury. Then again, also for the romantic, Villareal winning it would be fabulous. Logic lovers and statisticians would want A.C Milan to win, for obvious reasons. And of course lots of people would consider it unfair for el maestro of Barca to be delayed further in his quest to win it.

Post Arsenal's triumph in the q-final lots of people have likened them to Liverpool and their Champion's League campaign last season. Until the q-final stage of the competition, Arsenal are argued to have done better than Liverpool did last season. True, but then again, although Arsenal's form might be enough to win them the Champion's League, there are very important things Liverpool had in their campaign last season that Arsenal lacked;

1) an English heart
In Gerrard and Carragher Liverpool have two Englishman playing vital roles in their campaign. And how they played. In last year's spectacular final (aku harap engkau janganla sedih sangat boro) the duo played like their life depended on it. Arsenal, meanwhile, have Cole and Campbell. One is reportedly going to Chelsea and the other have a broken nose. Then again, the final will be played in Paris. Assuming Arsenal does get there, Henry (and the rest of the French legion of Arsenal) will most certainly give his all, and then some.

2) an English backing
While Liverpool have the die-hard backing of the Kops, Arsenal have their Highbury library. Last season, Liverpool fans showed that they are up there with the best, showing true European pedigree all the way to the finals. Arsenal might need help from the likes of Millwall and West Ham in terms of fans enthusiasm. Chelsea fans are worse by the way.

So, can Arsenal win it? I wish them the best of luck. I do think that they are capable of producing superb, beautiful football. And of late, they've matured a lot and have learned to play the slightly uglier game that is 'European-style football', which I think are trademarks of many successful European sides.

My ideal final?Arsenal-Barca. And not just because the two are leading by the same scoreline. But ultimately, I hope the final will showcase 'the beautiful game'. sori boro :p


  • aku pun setuju for barca vs arsenal..but can arsenal do a liverpool?..hehe..

    p/s:ko tgk cerita green street hooligans ke? :P

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:10 PM  

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