It seems now that every weekend, there's always at least one wedding I need to attend (which is not a bad thing, in case I sounded as if it is). Weddings are generally great if you can forget about your being single or without any money to get married if you're not :p to all the couples that had had their weddings and those who will be having their weddings this year (or in the near future, if you may); I salute you, all of you. You braved the in-laws and the rising petrol (and everything else, really) prices and the possibility to never again look at another man or woman the way singles do without feeling guilty and made a decision. Congratulations. For better, or for worse.
Now live with it, breeders!! >:p
Now live with it, breeders!! >:p
so true..gbum..its mixed feelings all over for me..pls come to my wedding..u r the best T.A.B.O.B during our yesteryears in u know where..
Anonymous, at 10:03 AM
the blog-hoppers and da breeders have spoken...
syidee, may the force be with you.. congrats bro
mazezam, at 9:22 AM
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