But for one sentence, I thought yesterday's khutbah was meaningful. The essence of it was how we should see Islam as a whole, not take bits and pieces that we like and leave the rest. And the khatib sounded like a very knowledgeable guy (he pronounced 'ritual' in bahasa baku. Stylo gila :p).
And the sentence was; 'kalau nak menolong biarlah menolong orang yang seagama..'
..I find it hard to agree with that
And the sentence was; 'kalau nak menolong biarlah menolong orang yang seagama..'
..I find it hard to agree with that
I agree with you. Unfortunately, many many people still segregate according to religion/race etc. We will just have to do what we can to make sure the ugly cycle doesnt repeat itself.
NyNa, at 11:15 PM
maybe aku patut tanya ni lamaaa dulu,tapi camna trip ko ke penang borro? :p
'..make sure the ugly cycle doesn't repeat itself'.sharp observation.it's a pleasure meeting you nyna.have no idea whether i had in real life.
to quote from amirhafizi;routes, not roots
Anonymous, at 1:57 AM
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