love at first laugh
Bila saja kulihat tawamu..
hati jadi lapang,
jalan di depan luas terbentang
..seisi dunia mampu kutawan.
Went to some weddings. Saw some faces. Gained some memories.
On an entirely different note; Nicol David is a (no-longer-junior-albeit-at-a-very-young-age) world champ. Woohoo! Being the sucker-for-victory Malaysian, I am very proud (Malaysia Boleh, Stone! Hehe). I heard that there's every possibility that she'll improve her ranking to world no. 1. Hopefully she stays there much longer than the average racquet-holding Malaysians.
Yay! Hail the M'sian Boleh Spirit!
Anonymous, at 9:45 PM
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